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Jill Carter

Hi, I'm Jill - a former career banker who ran away to sea for 15 years to fulfill a shared dream of sailing around the world with the love of my life. With both global and mainland Australian circumnavigations ticked off, we've now swapped deep blue seas for time amongst the trees and are happily readjusting to life on land in our beautiful region.
Living in Forrest has always been on the radar, and I feel blessed to now call the land of the Saltwater Wadandi people my home. I love the serenity of the bush; the majesty of our amazing coastline; the diversity and depth of our community and the relaxed pace of life down south.
I've joined Voices for Forrest as I feel politics in our country has lost its way and needs to be reset. To have the opportunity to support an independent, ethical and community focused candidate is to me very empowering and I'm excited to be a part of this change management process.
Democracy literally means "rule by the people"; somehow this ideal has been cast adrift and replaced by party politics. How refreshing that through Voices for Forrest, we're able to help shape government going forward by actively supporting an MP who will be truly representative of our electorate.