433 people shared their views with us, at 35 kitchen table conversations and with more than 200 surveys. What did they say?
Our organisation, Voices for Forrest Inc., aims to restore the connection between our community and elected leaders.
We do this by gathering information from the community to find out what’s important to them (you). We then collate that information into a report, and provide that report to ALL candidates standing at the next Federal election.
We’ve had over 440 people share their views with us, at 35 kitchen table conversations and with more than 200 surveys.
In other Voices electorates, they have found a person who closely aligns with what the community wants and have encouraged that person to run as a Community Independent. Examples are Indi (Cathy McGowan and Helen Haines), Wentworth (Dr Sophie Scamps) and the ACT (senator David Pocock).
Voices for Forrest is in the final stages of doing this right now.
This is an exciting time - democracy requires active participation, so please take a moment to read this newsletter and get involved!
Join us at our KTC report launch on 21 September in Bunbury, or on 28 September in Margaret River.