We're not the only Voices group that regularly has to explain itself: "Aren’t you just a political party by another name?", or: "Teals aren’t real independents, they’re either Liberals or Greens in disguise!"
.. Our friends of Voices of Tasmania have taken the bull by the horns and published this clear FAQ:
Are You Those Teals?
Voices groups are often challenged with questions like:
“Aren’t you just a political party by another name?”
“Teals aren’t real independents, they’re either Liberals or Greens in disguise.”
As a Voices group, we are not a party, nor will we run candidates. The name “Teals” is a tag-name coined by the mass media (mostly Murdoch press) and often used in a negative way to belittle this major political movement. Some people think of “Teals” positively. But it underestimates the powerful differences these Community Independents are championing.
So let’s unpack what a Voices group is about, and how they relate to Community Independents.
The Community Independent candidates and elected representatives like Zoe Daniel and David Pocock are proud to be Community-minded Independent people – directly representing the communities they come from. Community Independents are not representing corporate lobby groups like coal, oil, gas, tobacco, gambling lobbies and the like.
Being 100% independent of party ideologies and political ploys, Community Independents draw upon local voices, verified facts, science and evidence bases for their decision making.
Read the full article here - and send it to your friends in Tasmania!